Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday ((SOT)): Gordon Bombay

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ducksworth! Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack, Mr. Ducksworth!"
Gordon Bombay on being fired from his job, The Mighty Ducks (1992)

Living in Syracuse during the past month, I've seen some pretty interesting things, but one of the coolest things for me was the discovery of year round ice-skating at Syracuse University.  In Boston, most of our rinks closed for the summer, so I only had the winter to enjoy the ice's frictionless heaven. 

Newhouse student Emily Czerniakowski enjoys the summer skating.
But now, thanks to a generous donation from one Syracuse Alumni, my friends and I enjoy free skating year round.  Marilyn Tennity graduated from the university in 1942.  She and her husband, Bill, donated the money needed to provide a year-round skating pavilion (with two rinks) for "the enjoyment of the Syracuse University community."  Students, faculty, and staff skate free.

Parents take advantage of the rink bringing their sons and daughters for ice-skating classes including hockey and figure skating.  For me, getting out on the ice where I can feel like I'm running without hardly lifting my feet is all I need. 

As for the SOT, I've always loved the original movie, the Mighty Ducks.  The film is about Gordon Bombay, who starts out as a former professional hockey player who got hurt in his prime, became a lawyer and bitter.  But, after being arrested and sentenced to community service as a hockey coach for the worst team in the city, he learns life skills while inspiring a young team to play hard and believe in themselves.  A wonderful story, especially when you're eight.  

Quack, quack, quack!

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