Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mock accident teaches sobering lesson to students

It's a parents worst nightmare: their child is caught in an accident caused by drunk driving.

In an effort to prevent such a tragedy, the Tewksbury Police, in collaboration with Tewksbury's chapter of Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.) and Tewksbury High School re-enact the nightmare scenario in front of the entire junior and senior classes. The school presents the "mock accident" with stunning realism, from the sounds of the crash to the delivery of the worst news a parent wants to hear, that their child was killed in an accident involving drugs and alcohol.

"It's like wow, this could really be me," said S.A.D.D. president and senior Renee Canlin, "It's a scary thought."

The entire exercise took about 40 minutes. The school coordinates this event once every other year, after starting it in the early 90s. Police say they think the message gets across to most students.

"If one kid decides not to drive, or not to get in a car with a drunk driver," says school resource officer Kathy McLeod, "that's win."

Several community organizations besides school and law enforcement provided services including make-up by Salon Renee, cars by Penney's Auto Body, and Saint's Memorial Paramedic Services.

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